Friday, September 14, 2007

Trailer Report: The Brave One, Good Luck Chuck

When I saw 3:10 to Yuma on Sunday night, it was at a small theatre on Milwaukee's north side, so I only got two trailers: The Brave One and Good Luck Chuck.

The basic description of The Brave One didn't really intrigue me, much like the similarly plotted Death Sentence, out in August. And the tv spots like this one didn't really move me to see it either, since they really just sort of paint it as a thriller.

But the movie's official trailer makes it look pretty good. Check it out:

See? This trailer is perfect- no Trailer Voice Guy, a clear idea of the story, a perfect piece of music, and an expertly done Things Spiraling Out of Control montage.

Compare that to the second version of the trailer, which has no introspective voice over from Jodie Foster, and much different, more police chase movie music, and doesn't peak at the same "I want my dog back!" moment:

It's funny how these seem like two different films with nearly the same footage.

As for Good Luck Chuck, I don't think any trailer could make me want to see it at this point, so don't worry. I just think it's funny that they initially had a trailer that explained the premise:

But that must not have tested all that well, because the trailer I saw was just Jessica Alba doing pratfalls:

They had a meeting and were like "Jesus Christ! This whole sleeping with the guy to meet the right guy next idea is just confusing people! But every body likes to see pretty people getting hurt..."

Also the Trailer Voice Guy makes it sounds like the title is actually "Good Luck, Chuck."

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