Saturday, September 8, 2007

Hey look, another movie blog!

I know, I know. There's a billion people out there with opinions. It's not on you out there to read mine as well.

I went with the title 'reverse shot' because I hope that in some way, I can provide a new perspective on modern cinema, one hopefully unique and overtly humorous. I also went with that title because every other conceivable movie term was taken, goddammit.

So what ESPN's Bill Simmons is for sports, maybe I could be for film. I'm sure there's someone out there that's already the equivalent of that, but that's the best thing about the internet- there's no virtue in being first, only the best. If there's no merit in this idea, I'm sure it will languish as a blog without views, comments, or any other of the modern lifelines of semi-popularity.

Some ideas I am kicking around for future posts:

Film reviews, naturally- being not a professional critic, I don't see horrible movies. So, while you can probably expect to hear how awesome 3:10 to Yuma was before the week is out, there won't be any redundant posts about how awful the new Adam Sandler/Jim Carrey/Robin Williams comedy is, or the maudlin sappiness that results when Mandy Moore tries to act.

Trailer reviews- I personally believe that trailers and tv spots can make or break a film. Much like Kramer's reaction to the voice of Mary Hart, I go into seizures at the voice of Trailer Announcer Guy- there's no better way to make a movie look horrible. So look for analysis of what a trailer says about a film, or what it doesn't.

Box Office Thoughts- Nothing is more reactionary and overblown than box-office-number analysis these days, especially here in the U.S., which is increasingly being overshadowed by foreign grosses. I tend to keep more of a big picture perspective, watching worldwide totals while trying not to get too caught up in first weekend debuts. That being said, there's nothing like pulling for Rush Hour 3 to fail, and then eagerly checking the numbers on Sunday to see.

Shot/Reverse Shot- Similar to "Crosstalk" over at one of my favorite websites, The Onion's A. V. Club, this will be a feature wherein my friend Dave and I compose back and forth thoughts about various industry topics. Dave knows more about film than pretty much every film student I've ever met, and our lengthy email discussions about the nature of the Blockbuster, legendary auteurs, and the Oscar season were made for a public forum.

Other Things- As the season goes, there will of course be random musings, inevitable lists of things, classic movies I'm catching up on (I'm thinking of calling it The Netflix diaries), and other miscellany.

So there you go. Again, it's not on you to read anything here. There's a whole bunch of internet out there, and probably some traditional media as well. But thanks for reading, if you do.

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